Shared servers enable the buyer to invest a lot less than in the case of a personal web browser. The amenities of web browsers, which are shared by several company holders, benefit them with a collective facility. You can enjoy all the features and also a very affordable range.
But the question arises whether a shared web server is secure or not.
For example, you can buy servers from for fulfilling your business needs. The issue of security needs to be handled in the case of shared web browsers. Certainly, a trusted web server protects your data and prevents theft and frauds.
But you are recommended to keep in mind a couple of key points when you are using a shared server. This will enable you to function freely on the server, promote and conduct your business without any worries.
Things to remember when you are using a shared web server –
- Certain web servers have directories that are shared for storing multiple information like files, contents and other data.
- If one of the websites is hacked on the shared server it may affect the functioning of the other websites as well. The performance speed may differ and you might run the risk of being attacked by the hacker itself.
- Sometimes it may happen that other sites are facing immense traffic. In that case, the speed of your website may also get affected. This phenomenon is commonly termed as DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service.
- Another risk factor could be the shared IP address. If in case a neighbouring website is involved in any illegal activity the entire IP address will get blacklisted.
Ways to plunge the risks of sharing data over common servers –
The problems faced on shared servers can be curbed with the following measures –
- Installation of MalCare and security plugins to prevent unwanted impacts of hacking.
- Before walking into a shared server for starting your business, make sure that you review the neighbouring websites and their performances.
- Set necessary file permissions to prevent hackers from accessing your data on the website within the shared web browser.