Sales, sales, sales… Three pillars on which e-commerce stands. Neither high traffic, nor high-quality design, nor functionality, nor beautiful pictures on the site are a guarantee of success. Only a consistently high level of sales can provide the online market with the desired income and prospects.
There are probably a couple of electronics stores near your home. You probably look into each of them from time to time. But in the third, exactly the same store in the neighboring district, you will only get on occasion. His clients live closer. Location is everything!
But this does not work on the Web. Everything is completely different here! The buyer can choose any of hundreds of almost identical stores, the goods of which will be a similar one to one – prices, descriptions, delivery times, photos. What is the probability that he will choose your online store?
Today, it is very important to stand out among the crowd of one-faced competitors. This is especially true on the web. But what makes you stand out? And here, you should pay attention to the main disadvantage of online stores – lack of visibility. The product cannot be touched or twisted in the hands, even though it is often impossible to examine it well. And this is today, in the era of the Internet and 3D technologies!
Consumer preference research conducted by Autodesk has revealed what motivates users to make a purchase in an online store. The answer lay on the surface: 80% of respondents said that the 3D model of the product stimulates them to make a purchase. 65% say that it will be psychologically more difficult for them to return the goods seen in 3D. Think about these numbers!
There are several ways to get good 3D models at your disposal: independent development, ordering, buying ready-made models, or subscriber access to the database of 3D models.
In order to develop 3D models on your own, you will need a staff of designers and programmers. Several new phones, computers, and other gadgets enter the market every day. Even if you model only the equipment that is guaranteed to interest buyers, you will have to create several dozen three-dimensional models every month. And this, you see, is not easy and, most importantly, very costly. Only the salaries of qualified employees will require at least $6,000 per month.
The best and most profitable option would be to seek help from a company specializing in 3d product configurators. One such company is Expivi, the 3D configurator platform for eCommerce.
Expivi offers clients high-quality 3d product customizer services. 3D configuration enables buyers to experience products in a 360° view. Rotating, zooming, sizing, changing color and material, the possibilities are endless. You can increase your sales by 12% with Expivi’s seamless and interactive 3D Augmented Reality experience. Using Expivi 3d product configurator you allow your customers to virtually try out products, reducing returns.
Shopify reported a 40% decrease in returns because of 3D visualization. Gartner also stated that 3D configuration reduces product return rates since the customer fully understands what they are ordering. Reduced costs in sampling, product training with a higher speed to market, and improved conversion rates from 10%-50% were other verified benefits.
Product personalization results in less overproduction, leading to a decrease in packaging waste while saving on shipping. The environment will thank you.